NATAS Northwest Board of Governors
Applications Closed
Deadline February 10th 2025
The NATAS Northwest Board of Governors awards up to three special awards – one in each market within our region of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington - to honor outstanding community service work.
Submissions are due Feburary 10th and are now closed for 2025. To submit, complete the form. Be sure to include the hyperlink for the video. If your link changes be sure to send the new link to us. Questions can be directed to
Submissions will be judged by nonprofit professionals with no conflict of interest. The NATAS Northwest Board of Governors voted based on the judges’ recommendations will be presented at the Awards at the Emmy Awards June 6, 2025.
This Award honors excellence performed by a television or allied media entity whose primary mission is producing television or video content, whether news or non-news, recognizing an effort to focus interest on and marshal support for a worthy community cause or causes. This award is not for intended for projects designed for brand enhancement.
The NATAS Northwest Board of Governors reserves the right to reject any entry(ies) which do not meet that definition.
There is no fee for entering this award.
For this award, the categories are the market sizes within NATAS Northwest region. Broadcast Stations:
Market Size 1-20
Market Size 21-80
Market Size 81+
For a project/campaign to be considered, the entrant must complete this form and include:
A maximum 500-word description of the project, including measured impact AND
A maximum 15-minute video composite of the project, including only material as aired.
No introductions, post-production, montages, music or special effects may be added.
One Award for Community Outreach will be awarded to the broadcast station.