
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) is the leading professional non-profit organization dedicated to all television and visual media professionals.

The Northwest Chapter of NATAS represents individuals from all disciplines of the industry within our designated 5-state region (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington). We honor exceptional work, provide professional development and outreach; and support and nurture the next generation of broadcast professionals. The highest standards of quality in professional, technical and personal achievement is recognized by conferring the coveted Emmy® Awards.

Membership is a privilege which is extended to those actively engaged in broadcast and visual media.
The membership year extends from January 1 – December 31.

Professional Membership is offered to those employed in the broadcast or related industries who make specific contributions to the industry, including executives, technicians and engineers, writers, directors, photographers, producers, performers, etc.

Membership Renewal and New Membership – $85.00

Membership Renewal

New Member Application

Entrant/ Nonmember - If you want to receive email notifications or enter in the Emmy® Awards at the nonmember rate, you can sign up here.

Nonmember Sign Up

Lost Password/Can’t log in? - In order to keep the database “clean” we ask you not set up multiple accounts. This will also have impact on your entry fees! If you cannot reset via the lost password link contact the office - northwest@emmyonline.tv or 206.653.7501

A portion of your dues goes to support the scholarship fund.

Membership cancellation policy

A new or renewed membership may be cancelled and refunded within one business day for any reason. A duplicate membership may be cancelled and refunded within 30 days of duplication. Contact NATAS Northwest at northwest@emmyonline.tv or 206-653-7501 to cancel/refund your membership or for more information.