Nominations now open for the 2025 Gold and Silver Circles

Deadline for submissions for 2025 Circles - January 31st

Nomination PROCESS

Television professionals who have served the industry with distinction for 25+ years (SILVER CIRCLE) or 50 years (GOLD CIRCLE) can be nominated. Induction is an honor bestowed by the Northwest chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences to recognize the outstanding contributions of these individuals.

Not everyone who has worked in television is deserving of this honor. To find those exceptional professionals, the Northwest NATAS Board of Governors solicits nominations from individuals, businesses and stations in our region.

The nominated individual’s contributions can be in service to the industry, to NATAS, to the community or to people training for a career in the field. Nominees are accepted from performing, creative, technical or administrative roles within the industry or from areas directly related to television such as commercial productions, journalism or education. Neither nominators nor nominees need to be members of NATAS.

Posthumous nominations are allowed.

Nominations can be submitted any time during the year, although submissions for 2025 inductees will close January 31st, 2025. Submitting a nominee carries some responsibilities beyond the nomination process. If your nominee is selected for induction, the submitter must assist with providing a career video retrospective and other supporting items by mid-spring 2025.

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