Here to judge? Here is the link!
How are Emmy™ Awards Judged?
Judging is a key part of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences awards. As a local NATAS chapter, once all the entries are submitted, and organized, we send them off to other chapters around the country to be judged by peers in the industry. We return the favor, and judge work from other chapters through out the year. The awards would not be possible without judging by qualified volunteer peers. Peers are defined as professionals who have relevant experience in the industry to the category they are judging, or similar experience to judge that specific category. Judges do not receive any compensation for judging.
In each category a panel of judges is assembled and each panel member watches the entries and casts votes via a secret ballot. Each judge scores each entry on 3 criteria: Creativity, Content and Execution. Each criteria is scored on a scale from 1 to 10. A perfect score is 30 points. Craft entries are judged on two criteria Creativity and Execution.
Judges evaluate each entry on its individual merits not in comparison to the other entries in the category. Judges are allowed to give the same score to multiple entries. Each category has a minimum percentage judges are required to view prior to being permitted to submit a score. Once that percentage of the entry is viewed, the judge’s ballot will open up and become available for scoring. Each entry is judged individually on its own merits based on each judge’s individual perception of excellence. This sometimes ends up with multiple winners in one category, many nominations in one category, or no winners in a category!
All judging criteria and procedures, including scoring scale, minimum scores required for nomination, and tie-breaking procedures, are determined by the National Awards Committee.
Categories generally show the number of entries and total run time. You will need to view at least 25 % of each entry for the ballot to appear, but you are asked to view at least 50% of each entry.
To start the process.... log into your dashboard: (NOTE you may receive a token generally through your cell, to authenticate your log in).
Once you are logged in, you may be requested to UPDATE your profile, but generally if you entered this year, you won't need to do.
Look on the left navigation bar. Under will see a line showing how many panels you have judged thus far. Click SEARCH PANELS, for all the panels currently available. You can select the panels you are ready to judge. PLEASE DO NOT SELECT ALL panels you "could" judge, only select the one's you know you are going to do. When we get the request we end of assuming you want to do all the panels you have select.
We receive your request and approve which will activate the panel for you to judge. NOTE this is a manual approval, therefore late nights, weekends, and dinner time may have a slight lag in approval.
When a panel is filled with the required number of panelists, it will no longer appear on your dashboard. But do not fret...more to come!
At any time, should you have questions write to or, or call 206.653.7501. We look forward to serving your needs.